

Available formats

Single MP3 file 64 kbps

This is a single MP3 file in 64kbps quality that is merged based on the set of files sent to Bokbasen by the publisher. Most files are in mono, but stereo also exists (Bokbasen will use the same setting here as provided by the publisher). 

Filename: {title_of_book}.mp3.

HLS stream

HTTP live streaming format provided as an .m3u file, based on the same single MP3 file 64kpbs as for download.

Zip file with multiple chapters, MP3 64 kps

A zip file with MP3 files, number of files depends on the number of files sent by the publisher (ranging from 1 to over 300).

Filename: {isbn}.zip,

Filename mp3 files: avsnitt_{track number}.mp3 (e.g avsnitt_001.mp3)

ID3 tags

The following ID3 tags are written into each MP3 files using the metadata available the at the point of file publishing.

ID3v1 tags

Title: Title of book (see details)

Artist: Author (lastname, firstname)

Album: same as title

ID3v2 tags

Title: Title of book (see details)

Artist: Author (firstname lastname, multiple authors separated by &)

Album: same as title

Genre: Audiobook

Track: Track number (only for zip files)

Cover image: Embedded cover image in jpg format

Title structure

Title is built using book metadata and creates a concatenated title based on a set of rules. The rules are as this:

  1. If a book has a compiled title (Sammensatt tittel) each of those will be concatenated with ; and used as title

  2. If it has an extended title the title will be: Main Title : extended title

  3. If it only has a main title: Main Title

The title on individual files in the zip file is prefixed with track number, eg: 01. title.

Download links returned by DDS



Key response header info



Key response header info

Complete MP3 files

Direct link to MP3

200 OK

Content-Type: mpeg/audio

Zip files

Direct link to the Zip file

200 OK

Content-Type: application/zip


Direct link to the HLS stream (.m3u)

200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.apple.mpegurl