Digital lending platform (depricated june 2024)

Digital lending platform (depricated june 2024)

This documentation describes the processes and API integrations needed for integrators that is going to integrate with Bokbasen's digital lending platform. The platform provides publishers with an easy way of offering lending licenses to libraries through integrators, publishers are sending the terms of licences to Bokbasen and this data is used to offer books to libraries through Bokbasen's web portal for libraries and to end consumers through the platforms integrating with the platform. The platform also import existing licenses, making it easy for libraries to get full control over all its lending.

 This page describes the integrations for those that wish to deliver end consumer products based on these licenses. The platform supports e-books and audio books, however the number of audio books with library licenses is currently very limited (or none). The platform gives libraries full control over how they want to spend their budget, and in the library portal they can set monthly budgets and various limitations on what titles and products groups they want to spend the money on. However, for you integrating with this platform this complexity is mostly hidden and you need to relate to whether at book is available and to some extent which licenses that should be used when executing a loan. 


For integrators providing apps with lending functionality there are some requirements that needs to be fulfilled to use the platform for their services:




  • A signed contract with Bokbasen covering the legal terms of the integration

  • Approved documentation that handling of e-book and audio files are sufficiently secure

  • For all books that are covered by licenses available on the platform (including imported licenses from previous buys and licenses given by Kulturrådet):

    • The integrator must register start / end of all loans using the documented APIs

    • The integrator must not give access to any files to end users before a loan is registered and accepted by Bokbasen’s API

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