Order API

Order API

The Bokbasen Order API is used to submit and receive orders between parties on all physical products and digital learning resources that are registered in Bokbasen's metadata database. The API provides simple interfaces for sending and receiving orders and updating order statuses. 

The orders itself are based on the the international standard for exchanging orders in the book industry EDItX Trade Book Supply Order managed by Editeur. The XML standard is only used for the actual order documents, while the API is REST based on using JSON, where applicable the HAL standard is used to format JSON messages and provide standard interfaces for linking, paging and other interactions.  

Authentication against the API follows the same standard as for all Bokbasen APIs, see Authentication Service for details.

As for all Bokbasen APIs, to access the test environment use https://api.stage.bokbasen.io instead of https://api.bokbasen.io in all API calls (but test need own credentials)

For all parties working with digital learning tools and the order system, you must upgrade to the latest XSD to support codes for IDs from "Norsk skoleregister". The XSD is not officially released from Editeur yet, but you can download a version here

Only for non-digital assets

These APIs are not to be used for ebooks or audio books distributed by Bokbasen, orders related to these are managed by our Digital Distribution System.