Change log - export ONIX

Version 1.20

Published 27.11.2024

Added support for new code in list 175 Product form detail

B216 Press-out pieces

Changed element for supplying information about device support for digital learning resources
Use of ProductFormDescription is deprecated.

It will now be present as ProductFormFeatureDescription (code 07 from list 79). to allow the indication of multiple devices supported.

End-of-life for old syntax 28. feb. 2025

Price condition
Added support for element <PriceCondition> to indicate when the subscription of a product is automatically renewed. Typically used for digital learning resources.

Added support for new codes in list 17 Contributor role code

A15 Preface by
A19 Afterword by
A23 Foreword by
A36 Cover design by
A42 Continued by
A43 Interviewer
A44 Interviewee

Added support for Collection type 11

Support for collection type 11 is added to indicate the difference between collections that apply regardless of edition and collections that are specific for an edition, and mainly is used for marketing purposes.

Unnamed persons

Added support for Unnamed persons in Contributor-composite. To identify content generated by AI, use of synthetic voice etc.

Subject - NTSF

Added support for vocabulary NTSF (Thesaurus for Norwegien form and genres)
See Norsk tesaurus for sjanger og form - Nasjonalbibliotekets vokabulartjeneste

Text and data mining

Information added in EpubContraint to specify that Text and data mining is prohibited on all content delivered from Bokbasen.

Version 1.19

Published 26.6.2024

Deprecated element ProductFormFeature for TextFont.

<Language> replaces <ProductFormFeature> for Bliss, Sign language and Widgit
<EditionType> replaces <ProductFormFeature> for Large print and Braille
<ProductFormDetail> replaces <ProductFormFeature> for Upper case only

Version 1.18

Published 18.6.2024

Added support for additional codes in lists 65 and 68, all codes in these codelists are now supported.

Added support for the element WorkRelation with proprietary work-ID.

WorkIDType 98 is supported for Manifestation of LRM work.


Version 1.17

Published 30.1.2024

Added support for price type and price date in accordance with Law regulating fixed prices in the Norwegian book market.

Added support for new language code rmg Traveller Norwegian.

Added support for multiple codes in list 196 for Accessability data.

Version 1.16

Published 3.2.2022

Added support for new values in ProductFormDescription to describe products like mircro:bit etc.:

MikrokontrollerkortSingle-board computer
Tilbehør til mikrokontrollerkortAccessory for Single-board computer

Version 1.15

Published 29.9.2021

Added support for element ContentDate in SupportingResource. ContentDate, type 17, gives information about when the cover image or audio sample last was updated.

Support for CountryOfManufacture has been added to accomodate requirements from Norwegian tax authorities.

Version 1.14

Published 16.8.2021

Added more descriptions for metadatafields in the Onix record.

Version 1.13

Published 03.05.2021

Added support for new codes for element SalesRestriction.

06 To libraries only
99 No restrictions on sales
09 Except to libraries
13 To subscription services only

Version 1.12

Published 17.02.2021

ProductFormFeature where ProductFormFeatureType is 07 contains a set of predefined values. Has been changed from being a freetext field.


Support for new code in EpubUsageConstraint: 99 Valid to.
Quanity will contain a valid to date.

Support for more advanced representation of quotes and score:
<TextAuthor>Kari Nordmann</TextAuthor>

Added support for element OrderTime. 

Used for stating expected order time, when this exeedes the normal delivery time.

Version 1.11

Published 23.06,2020

Added support for sending information about "Den teknologiske skolesekken" in TextContent.

<Text>Den teknologiske skolesekken</Text>

Read more in Bokbasen's blog

Version 1.10

Published 25.05,2020

SalesRestriction: SalesOutlet og StartDate added for subscription services

ProductPart: added for multi-item products, included support for more codes in ProductComposition

TextContent: added support for textformat 02 when TextType is 03

Measure: format for print books, not mandatory to send all three measurements, hight and length must be sent, thickness is now optional

Thema-categories in Subject: SubjectheadingText is sent in addition to SubjectCode

Learning material: SubjectheadingText is sent in addition to SubjectCode for Grep-codes

Identifiers for names: Contributor contains information about ISNI and identifiers from the Norwegian national library's authority record, BARE.

OrderTime: can be added to specify that expected order time is longer than normal, f.i. for print on demand.

Utdanningsmateriell: added new codes, see complete list:


See extensive descrpiton of changes (in Norwegian) in Bokbasen's Onix blogg:

Version 1.9

Published 10.01.2019

ProductIdentifier: support for DOI will be added spring 2019, code 06 in ProductIdType

ProductForm: support for codes ZL, ZN and ZZ has been added

ProductFormDetail: support for code E201 has been added

ProductFormFeature: support for authentication method for digital learning resources, f.i. Feide, will be added spring 2019, code 18 in ProductFormFeatureType.

Support for e-publication accessibility details, code 09 in ProductFormFeatureType, and codes from list 196 in ProductFormFeatureValue will be added spring 2019.

TextContent: support for codes 11 and 13 will be added spring 2019, for sending information about support for universal design and GDPR.

Website: code 46 Publisher's website for privacy statement will be added to codelist 73 in issue 44 of the codelists. Support for this code will be added.

SalesRestriction: support for code 04 Retailer exclusive will be added. Retailers are required to check if they are one of the designated retailers or not.

Version 1.8

Published 23.01.2018

Added support for elements in Price composite necessary to express price and contstraints for library loan.

All new elements only relevant for library loan are marked with green colour, and are found in the bottom of the Excel file.

  • PriceIdentifier: type of licence; PACKAGE or PAY_PER_LOAN
  • PriceConstraint: avaiable for library loan
  • PriceConstraintLimit: number of concurrent users, maximum loan period
  • PriceDatefrom and until date for package, from date for pay-per-loan.
  • UnpricedItemType: UnpricedItemType P.26.70a is sent when the product is available under a variety of priced and unpriced
    terms from the same supplier.

Version 1.7

Published 23.08.2017

ProductForm: support for new codes in list 150 added

  • ZM: Tableware (use for mugs, cups, saucers, plates, food box, thermos etc)
  • PR: Note book / blank book
  • ZC: Soft toys

ContributorRoleCode: support for new codes in list 17 added

  • B20: Consultant editor
  • E05: Vocal soloist
  • Z02: Honored/dedicated to

Version 1.6

Published 26.01.2017

ProductFormDescription for «enhetsstøtte». Support for 0:10 occurences added.

<ProductFormDescription>Interaktiv tavle</ProductFormDescription>

ProductFormDetail: material code is sent in ProductFormDetail. Moved from ProductFormFeature.

ProductClassifiaction: code for identifying international e-books has been added


ContributorStatement: element added. For display purposes only          

<ContributorStatement>Written and illustrated by Fred and Emily Jackson</ContributorStatement>

Extent: support for code 08 (pages from print counterpart) added.

Open access: element for providing information about open access products is added

Recommented text: «Open access – no commercial reuse»

<Text>Open access – no commercial reuse</Text>

SalesRights: support for composite in block 4 is added. Only applicable for international e-books

Price: support for new elements in Price composite added. Mainly applicable for international e-books. 

Codelist 17 Contributor role code: added support for code A13 "Photography by"

Codelist 74 Language code: added support for code sin "Sinhalese"

Version 1.5

Published 7.4.2016

Added links to individual tabs for codelists from Onix for Books Product Record.

Added overview of codes for Norwegian educational Level, Utdanningsprogram and Undervisningsmateriell. 

Correction of typos in Market composite.

Version 1.4

Published 22.12.2015

Added support for Territory in Market composite.


Added support for TitleStatement in TitleDetail.

     <TitleText>Book title</TitleText>
       <Subtitle>book's subtitle</Subtitle>
       <TitleStatement>Book's title statement</TitleStatement>

Added support for Embargo date (Norw. Sperrefrist) in PublishingDetail

  <Date   dateformat=13>20151201T1200+0100</Date>

Version 1.3

Published: 18.8.2015

Added support for SalesRestricion and minor corretions in codelists supported.


Version 1.2

Published: 11.5.2015

Correction of placement of element ResourceLink.

<ResourceLink> </ResourceLink>

Version 1.1

Published: 24.4.2015

Supported in api: expected during May 2015.

Composite for Supporting resource is extended to support sending links to sample content.










ResourceContentType contains codes from list 158, where Bokbasen will support:

15 Sample content

16 Widget

25 Table of contents

WebSite contains links to f.i. authors web page, Facebook, interview etc, or link to publishers home page etc.