

ONIX is an XML based standard designed to support computer-to-computer communication between parties involved in creating, distributing, licensing or otherwise making available intellectual property in published form, whether physical or digital. ONIX is widely adopted in the industry and used across the globe. Bokbasen has been transitioning to ONIX for electronic exchange of book related metadata and will continue this transition over the next years, with the aim of using ONIX as the only standard for the future.

The ONIX standard is maintained by http://www.editeur.org/8/ONIx/ , and Bokbasen is actively engaged in the international committee working on the standard to ensure that we contribute to develop the standard in the right direction and that our customers can get the latest information on ONIX for us. 

These wiki-pages does not give an introduction to the standard itself, please go the Editeur's web-page for details on the standard and the official documentation. Here you will find details on how to use ONIX with Bokbasen's services and also translation of the relevant code lists into Norwegian. As the ONIX standard is quite generic, there are some additional rules that Bokbasen need to enforce in order to support our requirements for metadata and the Norwegian market, these will also be documented here. We also aim to use these pages as an information channel on any updates done to the ONIX-standard that might impact your implementations. 

The ONIX XSD is the technical specification of the XML files. Below you can find the links to the current XSD that Bokbasen uses to validate ONIX to/from Bokbasen:

Schema files from Editeur (XSD files)



Current XSD version


Current XSD version


Download the XSD directly from Editeur’s site


Upgraded XSD to support issue 45 of Onix codelists                        


Upgraded XSD to support Onix issue 52