Subscription service distributes binaries to the end user

Subscription service distributes binaries to the end user

In this scenario, the subscription service is responsible for delivering content to the end user. This puts an additional set of requirements on the service, especially with regards to information security. This is regulated in an own agreement (a partner agreement). The following section details on how the service gains access to the content.

Accessing the content

The subscription service needs to ingest content from Bokbasen, and prepare the content for distribution to end users. Inventory, gives information about all e-/audio books available based on your user's access rights and permissions. The endpoint is implemented with a cursor functionality, making it easy to regularly fetch information about new (or revoked) content. The information from the inventory must be used in combination with information Export Service, to ensure that all constraints (embargo dates, sales restrictions, etc.) are met.   

Each entry in the inventory has an identifier that uniquely identifies a resource, i.e. <id>urn:uuid:99496f82-84c5-4de7-9899-31603e26a355</id>. If there is an updated version of a resource (i.e.a producer has uploaded an updated version of an e-/audio book), the identifier will change. When downloading content for ingestion, this identifier must be used, as described in the section about Partner models.


The reporting functionality for subscription providers distributing files to the end user is currently under development. Some of the headlines are: 

  • Single point of reporting, Bokbasen will distribute reports to all relevant product owners.

  • All data within a reporting period must be delivered simultaneously.

  •  If a product changes owner within a reporting period, the product must be reported twice (one time on each owner)