When using the Bokbasen ONIX Export Service Bokbasen will return ONIX documents based on the documentation below. 


Recent changes

Law regulating fixed prices in the Norwegian book market was adopted by the Norwegian Parliament June 12th 2023, valid from January 1st 2024.
Onix records are updated with information about fixed prices and end dates for the fixed price period.

For background and examples: Read more

Recent changes

Law regulating fixed prices in the Norwegian book market was adopted by the Norwegian Parliament June 12th 2023, valid from January 1st 2024.
Onix records are updated with information about fixed prices and end dates for the fixed price period.

For background and examples: Read more

Complete specification

The complete Onix for books specification can be downloaded from Editeur: Onix for Books specification

Responsibility to delete records

When a record has the value 05 for NotificationType the record MUST be deleted

<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" release="3.0" xsi:schemaLocation="https://api.boknett.no/schema/ONIX_BookProduct_3.0_reference.xsd">
      <SenderName>Bokbasen AS</SenderName>

Bokbasens specification (export)