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The Norwegian thesaurus on genre and form is identified by code C8 from list 27 in Subject Scheme Identifier.
Terms from the proprietary vocabularies was sent in Subject like this: <Subject> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>24</SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <SubjectSchemeName>Bokbasen_Form</SubjectSchemeName> <SubjectHeadingText>Romaner</SubjectHeadingText> </Subject> <Subject> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>24</SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <SubjectSchemeName>Bokbasen_Genre</SubjectSchemeName> <SubjectHeadingText>Krim</SubjectHeadingText> </Subject>
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<Subject> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>C8</SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <SubjectCode></SubjectCode> <SubjectHeadingText>Romaner</SubjectHeadingText> </Subject> <Subject> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>C8</SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <SubjectCode></SubjectCode> <SubjectHeadingText>Krim</SubjectHeadingText> </Subject> |
EUDR, FSC, PEFC, carbon emission
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Due Diligence Statement <ProductFormFeature> <ProductFormFeatureType>50</ProductFormFeatureType> <ProductFormFeatureValue>24FRXVV3VOS991</ProductFormFeatureValue> </ProductFormFeature> Provenance of raw material for cover Example shows single GPS coordinate (latitude and longitude), denoting the centre of a 4Ha plot of land where the trees grew. <ProductFormFeature> <ProductFormFeatureType>48</ProductFormFeatureType> <ProductFormFeatureValue>GB 202401</ProductFormFeatureValue> <ProductFormFeatureDescription>51.544708 0.061076</ProductFormFeatureDescription> </ProductFormFeature> Provenance of raw material for body Three or more GPS coordinates denotes a polygon outlining the forest where the trees grew. <ProductFormFeature> <ProductFormFeatureType>47</ProductFormFeatureType> <ProductFormFeatureValue>GB 202311</ProductFormFeatureValue> <ProductFormFeatureDescription>51.549040 -0.120975, 51.556838 -0.127326, 51.555092 -0.108261, 51.549040 -0.120975 </ProductFormFeatureDescription> </ProductFormFeature> |
Contributor Role Code
Contributor role code is used to indicate the role played by a person or a corporate body in the creation of the product.
Technical details
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<ProductFormFeature> <ProductFormFeatureType>07</ProductFormFeatureType> <ProductFormFeatureDescription>Smarttelefon</ProductFormFeatureDescription> </ProductFormFeature> |
Epub usage constraint
In all Bokbasen’s customer contracts, use of the product for extraction or automated computer analaysis is regulated and forbidden.
This constraint will be added to the Onix-records.
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EpubUsageType will include information indicating that use of the content of the product by artificial intelligence systems is forbidden. Usage type 11 is used in combination with code 03 in EpubUsageStatus, to state that text and data mining is prohibited. |
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title | Click here to expand...EEE | Example |
<EpubUsageConstraint> <EpubUsageType>11</EpubUsageType> <EpubUsageStatus>03</EpubUsageStatus> </EpubUsageConstraint> |
Onix 3.1