In the OPDS-feed there are links to the REST interface to download all the consumer’s e- /audio books and references to fetch the cover image of the book.
It is strongly recommended to use the OPDS feed to get the URL needed to access the book, as this is will most likely:
Reduce number of errors
Make your application more resilient to changes in DDS
Services for fetching the users Bokskya feed with all purchased books
Last-Modified header.
The service still respect and parses all the date-formats mentioned
in http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1 .
Service resources
DDS REST Services
IDM REST Services
DDS Sales report
If no: initiate GET /content/raw/ with the <id> found in inventory (which is resid)
If yes check if <inv:version> is different from the one in your system
If yes: initiate GET /content/raw/ with the <id> found in inventory (which is resid)
If no: skip to next entry
Note that this flow only describes how to find if there are new files available, you should also verify the access and published fields to see that the books are available to you.
Partners downloading raw files only after order is placed